Innovator set to list first S&P 500 ETFs that protect against losses of 10%, 15%, or 30%

Innovator Capital Management, LLC (Innovator) today announced the anticipated listing of the Innovator S&P 500 Defined Outcome ETFs – July Series on Cboe on August 8, 2018. The Innovator Defined Outcome ETFs will seek to offer investors exposure to the S&P 500 Price Return Index (S&P 500) to a Cap, with downside protection levels (or “buffers”) of 10%, 15%, or 30% over an Outcome Period of approximately one year, at which point each ETF will reset. This is the first time investors will be able to access structured outcomes through the ETF vehicle. The result is an efficient product suite that seeks the following benefits:

  • Defined downside protection levels
  • Exposures to S&P 500 upside performance
  • Low cost, flexible, liquid, and transparent
  • No credit risk
  • Resets annually and can be held indefinitely