Desjardins doubles its line of responsible investment products

With its new line of eight RI exchange-traded funds, Desjardins is confirming its role as a leader in responsible investment. These ETFs reduce exposure to specific climate change risk factors, relying on carefully selected companies with practices that clearly highlight their sense of social responsibility and respect for the environment.

  • 7 Desjardins RI Low-CO2 ETFS: Investors can choose portfolios that aim for a significantly lower carbon footprint.
    • Multifactor (4): Canada, USA, Developed (ex USA ex Canada), Emerging Markets
    • Cap-weighted (2): Canada and USA
    • Active fixed income (1): Canada
  • 1 Desjardins RI Global Multifactor Fossil Fuel Reserves Free ETF: Gives investors the opportunity to invest with no exposure to the traditional energy sector (coal, gas, oil).