New Active ETF issued by Ossiam on Xetra: sector selection combined with value strategy and ESG factors

A new exchange traded fund issued by Ossiam has been tradable on Xetra and Börse Frankfurt since Monday.

With the Ossiam ESG Shiller Barclays CAPE Europe Sector UCITS ETF, investors participate in a value strategy that follows a sector selection approach to identify undervalued sectors. Based on relative CAPE (a cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio) and momentum over the last 12 months, the four most promising sectors are selected, which are composed of equity companies based in Europe.

In addition, a best-in-class approach is used to exclude at least 20 per cent of the worst-performing companies in each sector based on ESG and carbon emissions-related metrics. Also filtered out are companies that violate international standards for responsible corporate behavior and are involved in controversial business activities.


Asset class


Ongoing charges

Distribution policy

Reference index

Ossiam ESG Shiller Barclays CAPE Europe Sector UCITS ETF





0.75 per cent


Shiller Barclays CAPE Europe Sector Value Net TR Index


The product offering in Deutsche Börse's XTF segment currently comprises a total of 1,768 ETFs. With this selection and an average monthly trading volume of around €17 billion, Xetra is the leading trading venue for ETFs in Europe.

Further information

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