New equity ETF from Axxion on Xetra: access to the global equity market in line with Umweltbank’s investment objectives

Since Thursday, a new exchange-traded fund from Axxion has been tradable via Xetra and Börse Frankfurt.


The UmweltBank UCITS ETF – Global SDG Focus offers investors diversified exposure to the global equity market while adhering to UmweltBank's sustainable investment criteria. UmweltBank's investment criteria are made up of negative and positive criteria. UmweltBank's negative criteria consist of standard- and sector-based exclusion criteria. The positive criteria aim to identify companies that make a positive contribution to the 17 United Nations Development Goals (SDGs). In addition, the baselines are selected in such a way that the greenhouse gas emissions of the resulting benchmark portfolio are in line with the long-term goal of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Only companies that act in accordance with market standards for responsible business conduct and that completely exclude weapons are considered.


Asset class


Ongoing charges

Distribution policy

Reference index

UmweltBank UCITS-ETF - Global SDG Focus

Equity ETF


0.80 per cent


Solactive Umwelt Bank Global Investable Universe SDG PAB Index


The product offering in Deutsche Börse's XTF segment currently comprises a total of 2,195 ETFs. With this selection and an average monthly trading volume of around €15 billion, Xetra is the leading trading venue for ETFs in Europe.