ETFGI Active ETF and ETP Industry Insights, December 2015

Report type
Active ETF/ETP Industry Insights
Publication date

Summary of the Active ETF and ETP industry, including asset growth, flows, including data split by exposures, providers, index providers, location and top products.

Summary of the Active ETF and ETP industry, including asset growth, flows, including data split by exposures, providers, index providers, location and top products.

Summary of Contents:
Global actively managed ETF/ETP industry
- Asset growth
- Summary of Active ETF/ETP industry
- ETFs/ETPs by asset class
- ETF/ETP providers
   - by assets
   - by net inflows
- Top 20 ETFs/ETPs
   - by assets
   - by ADV
   - by net inflows
- Distribution of ETF/ETP assets
- Total expense ratios
- New product launches YTD
United States actively managed ETF/ETP industry
- Asset growth
- Summary of Active ETF/ETP industry
- ETFs/ETPs by asset class
- ETF/ETP providers
   - by assets
   - by net inflows
- Top 20 ETFs/ETPs
   - by assets
   - by ADV
   - by net inflows
- Distribution of ETF/ETP assets
- New product launches YTD
European actively managed ETF/ETP industry
- Asset growth
- Summary of Active ETF/ETP industry
- ETFs/ETPs by asset class
- ETF/ETP providers
   - by assets
   - by net inflows
- Top 20 ETFs/ETPs
   - by assets
   - by ADV
   - by net inflows
Canadian actively managed ETF/ETP industry
- Asset growth
- Summary of Active ETF/ETP industry
- ETFs/ETPs by asset class
- ETF/ETP providers
   - by assets
   - by net inflows
- Top 20 ETFs/ETPs
   - by assets
   - by ADV
   - by net inflows
- Distribution of ETF/ETP assets
The wider ETF/ETP industry
- Asset growth
- Summary of ETF/ETP industry
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