AdvisorShares Launches the Let Bob AI Momentum ETF (Ticker: LETB)

BETHESDA, Md., Feb. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- AdvisorShares, a leading sponsor of actively managed ETFs, today announced that the AdvisorShares Let Bob AI Momentum ETF (Ticker: LETB) begins trading. Anthony Buchanan, founder and CEO of Let Bob, LLC, is the portfolio strategist of LETB. Mr. Buchanan carries extensive experience as a software engineer in the technology industry and the financial sector, where he has been a leader in replacing legacy systems with cutting-edge modern technology.

The actively managed LETB seeks long-term capital appreciation by investing in U.S. large-, mid- and small-cap equities through a quantitative, systematic process. Powered by modern artificial intelligence capabilities, LETB's proprietary methodology blends both fundamental sentiment momentum with technical price momentum to actively manage the portfolio. The strategy utilizes macro technical analysis to manage risk tactically which allows LETB to concentrate in a few sectors, industries, or by market capitalization – or lower equity exposure in a downward market and allocate to cash, including up to 100% of its portfolio.

"We are excited to partner with Anthony Buchanan and Let Bob's cutting-edge investment technology to deliver this innovative equity ETF to the marketplace," said Noah Hamman, chief executive officer of AdvisorShares. "We feel LETB provides a compelling, risk-managed investment solution for advisors and investors to consider for their equity allocation of an overall portfolio."

"Emotions can be the villain story when it comes to risk and delivering on investment objectives," said Anthony Buchanan. "Technology continues to evolve at breakneck speeds and Let Bob's modern AI capabilities use a combination of traditional technical analysis and proprietary algorithms — not feelings, which we believe positions LETB to stand out among its peers."

For more information on LETB, visit:

AdvisorShares remains committed to providing ongoing investment education for its ETF shareholders, prospective investors and the investment community at large. AdvisorShares regularly hosts live webinars featuring portfolio managers and leading industry experts. You may learn more and register at the AdvisorShares Event Center for upcoming educational sessions on different investment strategies.

About AdvisorShares

AdvisorShares is a leading provider of active ETFs. For financial professionals and investors requesting more information, call 1-877-843-3831 or visit Follow @AdvisorShares on Twitter and on Facebook for more insights.

About Let Bob

Let Bob is a smart charting platform. We combine traditional technical and fundamental analysis with modern artificial intelligence capabilities. Combining the two allows us to train our smart charts to trade the markets like professional traders and manage capital like professional money managers with efficient scalability. For media inquiries contact Raslyn Wooten at or call 346-333-0179.

Before investing you should carefully consider the Fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other information is in the prospectus, a copy of which may be obtained by visiting the Fund's website at Please read the prospectus carefully before you invest.

Foreside Fund Services, LLC, distributor. 

There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. An investment in the Fund is subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal amount invested.

Investing involves risk including possible loss of principal. The Advisor continuously evaluates the Fund's holdings, purchases and sales with a goal of achieving its investment objective, which is not guaranteed, and judgments about the markets, the economy, or companies may not anticipate actual market movements, economic conditions, or company performance. Security prices of small and mid-cap companies may be more volatile than those of larger companies and therefore the Fund's share price may be more volatile than those of funds that invest a larger percentage of their assets in securities issued by larger-cap companies.

Model and Data Risk: When models and data prove to be incorrect or incomplete, any decisions made in reliance thereon expose the Fund to potential risks. In addition, the use of predictive models has inherent risk. Because predictive models are usually constructed based on historical data supplied by third parties, the success of relying on such models may depend heavily on the accuracy and reliability of the supplied historical data. The Fund may experience relatively high portfolio turnover, which may result in increased transaction costs and performance that is lower than expected.


Price Momentum is the speed or velocity of price changes in a stock, security, or tradable instrument.

Sentiment Momentum analysis utilizes a systematic quantitative research platform that combines a company's digital performance data (data about the online interactions between customers and the websites and other digital properties of the company) with fundamental financial data (such as revenue and earnings per share) to identify companies that are likely to surprise the market with better than expected financial achievement in upcoming quarters. After compiling the digital performance data for any individual company or group of companies into a digital footprint, the algorithms identify companies that are outperforming in their industry and are projected to exceed outside analyst sentiment or expectations.

SOURCE AdvisorShares