National Bank Investments Launches an Active Sustainable Canadian Short Term Bond ETF

MONTREAL, Feb. 10, 2022 /CNW Telbec/ - National Bank Investments Inc. ('NBI') announced today the launch of the NBI Sustainable Canadian Short Term Bond ETF ('NBI ETF'). This NBI ETF has closed the initial offering of units, and those units will start trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange ('TSX') today.

"The year 2022 may well be characterized by a greater market volatility and several central bank rate hikes around the world. We are excited to launch this new ETF to help investors navigate market cycles and manage risk while generating returns for a sustainable future. Opting for an active approach to fixed income investing provides the latitude to proactively adjust the ETF's portfolio and reduces concentration risk," said Éric-Olivier Savoie, President and Chief Executive Officer at NBI.

National Bank Trust Inc. ('NBT') will be the portfolio manager of the NBI ETF and will delegate investment decisions to AlphaFixe Capital Inc. AlphaFixe Capital will act as the ETF's sub-advisor, with NBT ensuring that their decisions remain compliant within this given mandate.

Here is NBI's new ETF information, that will commence trading on the TSX today, under this corresponding ticker symbol and management fee:

ETF Name

Ticker Symbol (TSX)

Management fees1

NBI Sustainable Canadian Short Term Bond ETF




1The NBI ETF will pay the Manager a management fee of 0.25% on the average daily NAV of the NBI ETF. The management fee, plus applicable taxes, including GST/HST, will be accrued daily and paid monthly.

NBI Sustainable Canadian Short Term Bond ETF (TSX: NSSB). The NBI Sustainable Canadian Short Term Bond ETF's investment objective is to provide a steady flow of income with an emphasis on capital preservation while focusing on debt instruments designed to raise funds that promote a positive environmental and/or social impact and/or contribute to sustainable development. It invests, directly or indirectly through investments in securities of other mutual funds, in a portfolio comprised primarily of high quality Canadian corporate fixed-income securities with relatively shorter terms to maturity. It may also invest in short-term fixed income securities issued by federal, provincial or municipal governments in Canada.

About NBI ETFs
NBI ETFs are offered by National Bank Investments Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of National Bank of Canada. Management fees, brokerage fees and expenses all may be associated with investments in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Please read the prospectus or ETF Facts document before investing. ETFs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. ETF units are bought and sold at market price on a stock exchange and brokerage commissions will reduce returns. NBI ETFs do not seek to achieve a predetermined return at maturity.

About National Bank Investments Inc.
National Bank Investments Inc. (NBI) is an investment funds management firm committed to manufacturing and offering mutual funds, investment solutions and services designed to help Canadian investors pursue their financial goals. As at December 31, 2021, assets under management in NBI products were valued at over $80 billion.

Guided by an open architecture strategy, NBI is dedicated to providing diverse solutions to meet the evolving needs of its clients. NBI consistently strives to be recognized as a key partner by combining innovation and excellence. NBI's role is not limited to administrative aspects of management; NBI Advisory Services and its registered representatives form a team of specialists who provide information and advice to help advisors build portfolios adapted to their clients' financial needs. Follow NBI's activities at or via social media such as YouTube and LinkedIn.

National Bank Investments is a member of Canada's Responsible Investment Association and a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment.

About National Bank of Canada
With $356 billion in assets as at October 31, 2021, National Bank of Canada, together with its subsidiaries, forms one of Canada's leading integrated financial groups. It has more than 26,000 employees in knowledge-intensive positions and has been recognized numerous times as a top employer and for its commitment to diversity. Its securities are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: NA). Follow the Bank's activities at or via social media such as FacebookLinkedIn and Twitter.

SOURCE National Bank of Canada

For further information: Stéphanie Rousseau, Senior Advisor, Public Affairs and Corporate Social Responsibility, National Bank of Canada, Tel.: 514-394-5684,