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New Active ETFs from J.P. Morgan on Xetra: access to Chinese Bonds with short maturities

Two new exchange-traded funds issued by J.P. Morgan Asset Management have been tradable on Xetra and via Börse Frankfurt since Tuesday.

The JPM RMB Ultra-Short Income UCITS ETF invests in CNY and CNH denominated debt instruments with low volatility and short maturity. The Chinese bonds are short-term fixed and floating rate corporate and government bonds with an investment grade rating. As a rule, the actively managed ETF invests up to 20 per cent in debt instruments issued by companies from the banking sector.

Investors can choose between a distributing and an accumulating share class.


Asset class


Ongoing charges

Distribution policy

Reference index

JPM RMB Ultra-Short Income UCITS ETF

Bond ETF



0.28 per cent


ICE 3-Month China Government Index

JPM RMB Ultra-Short Income UCITS ETF

Bond ETF



0.28 per cent


ICE 3-Month China Government Index


The product offering in Deutsche Börse's XTF segment currently comprises a total of 1,805 ETFs. With this selection and an average monthly trading volume of around €17 billion, Xetra is the leading trading venue for ETFs in Europe.

Further information

ETFs on xetra.com