Institutional Users of ETFs and ETPs, 2013 Review

Report type
Special Reports
Publication date

A systematic and in-depth look at data collected from a number of sources to reveal evolving trends in product use by institutional investors worldwide.

ETFGI’s Institutional Users of ETFs and ETPs report examines the use of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and exchange-traded products (ETPs) by institutional investors globally from 2006 through 2013.

From 2006 – 2013 there has been a 54% increase in the number of institutions reporting using one or more ETFs or ETPs, rising from 2,332 institutions globally in 2006 to 3,590 in 2013. The reported use of ETFs and ETPs has grown at 3.0% CAGR over the past five years through 2013.

Managers of ETFs and ETPs have always struggled to obtain data on investors globally using or holding their ETFs and ETPs, the investors using or holding their competitors ETFs and ETPs, and on the universe of current and potential investors worldwide. One option has been to hire an investor relations service that can, over a number of months, investigate using share registrars and custodians to obtain data on one, some or all of their ETFs and ETPs, though fees for this type of custom service can be upwards of €5,000 per ETF for a one-time analysis.

This report provides a systematic and in-depth look at data collected from a number of sources to reveal evolving trends in product use by institutional investors worldwide.

Summary of Contents:


- Historical reported ETF/ETP holdings: global
- Broadridge: The RIA Channel – A Roadmap for Driving Growth
- Greenwich Associates 2014 US Exchange Traded Fund Study
- EDHEC European ETF Survey 2013
- ETF Ecosystem   
- Selecting an ETF
- BCG: traditional actively managed asset classes are forecast to weaken further

ETF and ETP Industry in 2013: Global

- Global ETF and ETP growth
- Summary of ETF/ETP assets
- ETFs listed by region/country
- Total expense ratios
- ETFs and ETPs by asset class
- Top 20 ETF/ETP Providers by assets
- Top 20 ETF/ETP Index Providers by assets
- Top 20 Broker/Dealers trading US and/or European Listed ETFs/ETPs
- Top 20 global exchanges by ETF/ETP average daily trading volume
- Historical ETF/ETP product launches and closures
- ETF market share of Mutual Fund assets

Thomson Reuters Share Ownership Analysis: Global

- Thomson share ownership universe, number of reporting firms
- Number of ETF Users by region
- Number of ETP Users by region
- Number of ETF and ETP Users by region
- Number of ETF Users by country
- Number of ETP Users by country
- Number of ETF and ETP Users by country
- Number of ETF Users by firm type
- Number of ETP Users by firm type
- Number of ETF and ETP Users by firm type
- Top 20 ETFs/ETPs by number of firms reported holding
- Number of firms reported holding ETFs or ETPs, by number of ETFs/ETPs held
- ETF/ETP providers by number of firms reported holding
- ETF/ETP index providers by number of firms reported holding
- Top 10 firms with largest number of reported ETFs/ETPs
- Number of new firms reported holding ETFs/ETPs
- Number of firms by change in reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs
- % of firms by change in reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs
- Number of firms reported holding ETFs/ETPs, by asset class
- % of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs, by asset class
- Number of unique ETFs/ETPs reported, by firm region
- Number of unique ETFs/ETPs reported, by firm country

Thomson Reuters Share Ownership Analysis: United States Listed ETFs/ETPs

- ETF and ETP Users by region
- ETF and ETP Users by country
- ETF and ETP Users by firm type

Thomson Reuters Share Ownership Analysis: European Listed ETFs/ETPs

- ETF and ETP Users by region
- ETF and ETP Users by country
- ETF and ETP Users by firm type

Thomson Reuters Share Ownership Analysis, Q4 2013: Global

- Thomson ownership universe, number of reporting firms
- Thomson ownership universe, reported assets of all reporting firms
- Reported holdings, by region
- Reported holdings, by size of reported assets
- ETF and ETP assets captured by reported holdings
- Reported holdings, by country
- Reported holdings, by firm type
Data split by region
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs
- Reported holdings of ETFs (US$ Mn)
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETPs
- Reported holdings of ETPs (US$ Mn)
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn)

Data split by size of reported assets
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs
- Reported holdings of ETFs (US$ Mn)
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETPs
- Reported holdings of ETPs (US$ Mn)
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn)

Data split by country
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs
- Reported holdings of ETFs (US$ Mn)
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETPs
- Reported holdings of ETPs (US$ Mn)
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn)

Data split by firm type
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs
- Reported holdings of ETFs (US$ Mn)
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETPs
- Reported holdings of ETPs (US$ Mn)
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn)

Thomson Reuters Share Ownership Analysis, Q4 2013: United States Listed ETFs/ETPs

- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs, by region
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn), by region
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs, by size of reported assets
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn), by size of reported assets
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs, by country
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn), by country
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs, by firm type
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn), by firm type

Thomson Reuters Share Ownership Analysis, Q4 2013: European Listed ETFs/ETPs

- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs, by region
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn), by region
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs, by size of reported assets
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn), by size of reported assets
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs, by country
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn), by country
- Number of firms reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs, by firm type
- Reported holdings of ETFs/ETPs (US$ Mn), by firm type

Top 10 Firms, by firm type, Q4 2013: Global

- Bank and Trust
- Endowment Fund
- Hedge Fund
- Investment Advisor
- Insurance Company
- Pension Fund
- Private Equity
- Investment Advisor/Hedge Fund
- Brokerage Firms
- Foundation

Top 10 Firms, by top 5 countries, Q4 2013

- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- Japan

Appendix: A brief history of a democratic product
Appendix: Thomson Reuters: Data Sources
Appendix: Thomson Reuters: Disclosure Regulations
Appendix: Thomson Reuters: Firm Type Definitions
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