Annual subscription includes a monthly, detailed analysis of the global industry. This covers trends, detailed net asset flows, rankings of product and index providers and brokers, new launches and delistings, as well as analysis of product fees.

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The monthly insight report provides a snapshot of the most recent trends in the Canadian ETF and ETP industry. The report details asset growth, flows, trading volumes, providers and index providers.

The monthly insight report provides a snapshot of the most recent trends in the Canadian ETF and ETP industry. The report details asset growth, flows, trading volumes, providers and index providers.

Monthly summary of the ETF and ETP industry in Japan. Including asset growth, flows, trading volumes, providers, index providers and exchanges.

ETFGI Global Thematic ETF and ETP Industry Insights

ETFGI China ETFs and ETPs Landscape report, May 2024

ETFGI Global Digital Asset ETF and ETP industry insights, May 2024

ESG is an investment approach that takes into account the environmental, social, and governance impact when making investment related decisions to better manage risk and generate sustainable, long-term returns.

ETFGI Global ETF and ETP Smart Beta Insights, May 2024

ETFGI US ETF and ETP Directory, May 2024

ETFGI European ETF and ETP Directory, May 2024