Institutional Users, 2015 (Excel Supplement)

Report type
Special Reports
Publication date

 Excel supplement to the Institutional Users of ETFs and ETPs, 2015 Review, including the list of all firms and funds reported using ETFs/ETPs in 2015. 

Excel supplement to the Institutional Users of ETFs and ETPs, 2015 Review, including the list of all firms as well as mutual funds that reported using ETFs/ETPs in 2014, along with the individual product holdings for each firm/fund.

This is a preliminary version. Data may change in the final version released later in the year as additional regulatory filings are processed.
Data includes for each firm and fund: region, country, name, firm type, aggregate number of and % of ETFs/ETPs held in any quarter of 2015 by asset class, and for each quarter in 2015 the aggregate US$ amount held and % held in ETFs/ETPs by asset class. Also included in this version are product level holdings data showing the ETF/ETP name, ISIN, asset class, provider, index provider and amount held in US$ in each quarter of 2015 for each firm/fund.