Asia Pacific (ex-Japan) ETF and ETP industry insights - July 2018

Report type
ETF/ETP Industry Insights
Asia Pacific (ex-Japan)
Publication date

Monthly summary of the ETF and ETP industry in Asia Pacific (ex-Japan). Including asset growth, flows, trading volumes, providers, index providers and exchanges.

The monthly insight report provides a snapshot of the most recent trends in the Asia Pacific (ex-Japan) ETF and ETP industry. The report details asset growth, flows, trading volumes, providers, index providers and exchanges.

At the end of July 2018, the Asia Pacific (ex-Japan) ETF industry had 1,093 ETFs, with 1,235 listings, assets of US$173 Bn, from 127 providers on 17 exchanges. At the end of July 2018, the Asia Pacific (ex-Japan) ETF/ETP industry had 1,292 ETFs/ETPs, with 1,437 listings, assets of US$179 Bn, from 132 providers on 17 exchanges.